释义 |
热锅上蚂蚁rè guō shàng mǎ yǐan ant on a hotpan; feel ill at ease ❍ 把个赵氏在屏风后急得象~一般,……(《儒林外史》86) All this made the widow behindthe screen as frantic as an ant on a hot furnace. ❍ 那天已有掌灯时候,又等他祖父安歇,方溜进荣府,往那夹道中屋子里来等着,~一般。(《红楼梦》139) By the timehe left the lamps were being lit,and Jia Rui had towait for his grandfather to retire before he could slip over to the Rong Mansion and wait in the place appointed. He paced the room as frantic as an ant on a hot griddle. ❍ 冯老兰心上烦躁起来,象~一样。(梁斌《红旗谱》290) Feng Lanchi was as frantic as an ant on a hot pan. ❍ 第二天早晨退朝之后,他为筹饷的事,象热锅台上的蚂蚁一样。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—682)The following morning after he had attended his court,his mind was still troubled by the problem and he felt ill at ease. |