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单词 热火朝天

热火朝天rè huǒ cháo tiān

at full blast; in full swing; with unusual zeal; with tremendous (/unstinted) enthusiasm; enthusiastically; buzz (/bustle) with activity;go ahead full steam; seethe with enthusiasm
❍ 麦子收到第四天,竞赛正搞得~,我们发现有雨情了。(李准《不能走那条路》 127) The fouth day of the harvest,when the emulation among the teams and brigades was at its height,we noticed some signs of rain.
❍ 建社的工作搞得~,唯独社里的会计一时还找不到适当的人。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》73) The peasants threw themselves enthusiatically into getting the new co-op going. They couldn’t find a suitable book-keeper.
❍ 南门外的冲锋号一股劲的吹,四周围的枪声,夹着手榴弹的爆炸,打得~。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》268) Outside the south gate bugles blew and the militiamen poured on their full fire power.
❍ 你把他催紧一点吧,别到明天,全社五百多人,~的打井运动一开始,把你一人的事忘了。(王汶石《风雪之夜》196) You’d better hurry up and ask him for it. You mustn’t wait till tomorrow when he’ll forget about it,as he’ll have enough to think about with all the co-op’s five hundred members head over heels getting stuck into the well sinking job.
❍ 谁想到,这一次来,学校里已经闹得~了!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 11) Nevertheless,he was amazed to see that matters had already reached such a pitch at the university.
❍ 群众自己把社搞起来了,他们就~地闹生产。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》149) …after forming their co-op by themselves,the peasants began to produce with unstinted enthusiasm.
❍ 各处的战斗仍在~地进行着。(吴强《红日》486) The fighting all round was still continuing with unabated fero city.
❍ 不过他总喜欢在黎元洪面前鬼鬼祟祟,同孙武搞得~,不大正派。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—278) …but the furtive way he whispers now and then to Li Yuanhong and the unusual zeal with which he’s befriended Sun Wu,all show that he is not exactlyan honest person.


bustling or buzzing with activity;be in full swing;reach the peak of enthusiasm
工地上~。Work on the construction site was in full swing./掀起~的生产高潮arouse (or inspire)tremendous enthusiasm in production

热火朝天rè huǒ cháo tiān

形容气势庞大或气氛热烈,就像炽热的烈火熊熊燃烧一样。也比喻两个人非常亲热。in full swing, burning with ardors, bustling with activity





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