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Ⅰ (麻烦) trouble;bother:不胜其 ~ too much bother;be pestered beyond endurance;
不厌其 ~ not mind taking all the trouble;be very patient Ⅱ (烦劳) trouble;request:~ 请 I beg you;~ 您给她捎个信儿。 May I trouble you to pass on a message to her? Ⅲ ❶ (厌烦) be tired of;be annoyed;vexed;troubled:心 ~ feel vexed;uncomfortable;
厌 ~ be fed up with;
真 ~ 人! How annoying! 你 ~ 什么? What are you getting so annoyed about?
❷ (又多又乱) superfluous and confusing:~ 杂 confusing;
要言不 ~ giving the essentials in simple language;pithy;concise;terse
◆烦得要死 be plagued to death;
烦法细文 harassing laws and vexatious trifles;
烦交 kindness of sb.;c.o. sb.;c-o sb.;care of sb.;I beg you to deliver.;
烦劳 trouble;
烦乱 confusing;disorderly;
烦闷 be unhappy;be worried;
烦恼 be vexed;be worried;
烦扰 bother;disturb;feel disturbed;{物} annoyance;
烦热 {中医} dysphoria with smothery sensation;
烦人 annoying;vexing;troubling;
烦冗 (of one's affairs) diverse and complicated;(of speech or writing) lengthy and tedious;prolix;
烦事 downer;
烦琐 loaded down with trivial details;
烦琐哲学 scholasticism;scholastic philosophy;[口] overela ̄ boration;hairsplitting;
烦文熟礼 superfluous rules and usages;
烦嚣 noisy and annoying;
烦躁 be fidgety;be agitated;irritable;be in a fret;dysphoria;
烦躁不安 have [get] the fidgets;set one's nerves on edge;{生} dysphoria


restlessness; dysphoria;fidget;fidgetiness





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