释义 |
烟[煙]yānⅠ ❶ (物质燃烧时产生的气体) smoke: 毒 ~ toxic smoke; 褐 ~ brown smoke; 蓝 ~ cold smoke; 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑 ~。 Tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. 满屋子都是 ~。 The room was full of smoke. ~ 从烟囱里袅袅升起。 The smoke is ascending slowly from the chimney. ❷ (像烟的东西) mist; vapour: 云 ~ clouds and mist ❸ (烟草) tobacco: 烤 ~ flue-cured [roasted] tobacco; 种 ~ cultivate [grow, raise] tobacco ❹ (纸烟、烟丝等的统称) tobacco; cigarette: 抽支 ~ have a cigarette [smoke]; 点 ~ light up a cigarette; 戒 ~ cut out [give up; swear off] tobacco; 一袋 ~ 的功夫 time enough to smoke a pipeful of tobacco; 一支接一支地抽 ~ puff away a cigarette after another; 嘴上叼着一支 ~ hold a cigarette between one's lips; 你吸 ~ 吗? Do you smoke? 他吸 ~ 过多。 He smokes too much. ❺ (鸦片) opium: 禁 ~ ban opium; ~ 枪 opium pipe ❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 嘉 Yan Jia Ⅱ (烟气刺激眼睛) (of eyes) be irritated by smoke: 谁在这里生火啊? 都 ~ 得睁不开眼了。 Who's lighting the stove here? I can't even open my eyes for the smoke. 另见 see also yīn。 ◆烟霭 [书] mist and clouds; 烟波 mist-covered waters; mist and ripples; 烟波浩渺[淼] a wide expanse of mist-covered waters; (be) a vast expanse of water; mists and ripples — a river scenery; 烟草 tobacco; tabacum; nicotiana; bacco; baccy; weed; 烟草专卖局 tobacco monopoly bureau; 烟尘 chimney; smoke; smoke dust; fly ash; smoke and dust in air; the smoke of battle; 烟囱 chimney; funnel; tun; stovepipe; tewel; smoke stack [funnel]; 烟袋 small-bowled long-stemmed (tobacco) pipe; 烟道 {建} flue; flue pipe; outtake; breeching; stalk; tewel; tunnel; chimney neck; 烟蒂 snipe; cigarette end [stub; butt; stump]; 烟斗 (tobacco) pipe; 烟鬼 [俗] opium addict; heavy smoker; chainsmoker; 烟锅 [方] pipe bowl; 烟海 a vast sea of fog — huge and voluminous; 烟花 fireworks; 烟灰 tobacco or cigarette ash; soot; 烟火 smoke and fire; cooked food; 烟火 pyrotechnics; fireworks; 烟具 smoking paraphernalia; smoking set; 烟卷儿 [口] cigarette; 烟霾 smaze; 烟煤 bituminous coal; soft coal; pit coal; bitumite; black coal; boghead; coaboghead; 烟幕 screening smoke; smoke screen; smoke curtain; veil; 烟气 exhaust gas; smoke; 烟枪 opium pipe; 烟丝 cut tobacco; pipe tobacco; picadura; scrap; 烟筒 smoke pipe; chimney; funnel; stovepipe; smokestack; 烟雾 smog; smoke fog; smoke; mist; vapours; breath; fuliginosity; 烟消云散 disappear [vanish] in a flash; melt into air; pass away like a cloud; 烟熏 smudging; 烟叶 tobacco leaf; leaf tobacco; tobacco; 烟瘾 a craving for tobacco [opium]; tobacco; 烟雨 misty rain; 烟柱 plume; column of smoke; {军} pillaring; 烟子 soot; 烟嘴儿 cigarette holder; holder |