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单词 烈火见真金

烈火见真金烈火识真金liè huǒ jiàn zhēn jīn

pure gold proves its worth in a blazing fire—people of worth show their mettle during trials and tribula tions
❍ ~,斗争的风口浪尖才能考验出英雄好汉来。True gold stands the test of fire and only the storms of struggle can test the genuine heroes.

烈火见真金lie huo jian zhen jin

pure gold proves its worth in a blazing fire—people of value show their mettle during trials and tribulations

烈火见真金liè huǒ jiàn zhēn jīn

见:显现。真金不怕在烈火中燃烧。比喻在关键的时候最能考验人的意志。people of worth show their mettle during trials and tribulations, pure gold proves its worth in a blazing fire





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:18:40