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(强烈; 猛烈) strong; violent; intense: 激 ~ intense; sharp; fierce; acute; 性情暴 ~ violent temper
❷ (刚直; 严正) staunch; upright; stern: 壮 ~ high-spirited; brave; ~ 女 heroic women; 刚 ~ upright and unyielding; fiery and forthright Ⅱ ❶ (为正义而死难的) martyr sacrificing oneself for a just cause: 革命先 ~ revolutionary martyrs; 英 ~ hero and martyr
❷ (功业) exploits; achievements: 功 ~ contributions
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 裔 Lie Yi
◆烈度 intensity; 烈风 strong gale; 烈火 raging fire; raging flames; 烈火见真金 True gold stands the test of fire.; A genuine article can stand any test.; a man of true worth will come out of a severe test unchanged, untouched, intact, etc.; An honest person does not fear the light.; Genuine gold can stand a high-test with a strong fire.; 烈酒 moonshine; sheezer; hard drink [liquor]; strong drink; spirit; 烈马 savage; 烈日 burning sun; scorching sun; 烈日炎炎 The sun is shining fiercely.; 烈士 martyr; a person of high endeavor; 烈士墓 the grave of a revolutionary martyr; 烈士暮年, 壮心不已 The heart of a hero in his old age is as stout as ever.; A noble-hearted man retains his high aspirations even in old age.; 烈暑 summer at its hottest; 烈属 members of a revolutionary martyr's family; family of martyred soldier; 烈性 spirited; strong; violent; 烈性子 fiery disposition; spitfire; 烈焰 roaring flame





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