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Ⅰ ❶ (液体的小滴) drop (of liquid):雨 ~ raindrops
❷ (小的痕迹) spot;dot;speck:墨 ~ ink spots;
污 ~ stain
❸ (汉字的笔画“、”) dot stroke (in Chinese characters)
❹ (小数点) decimal point;point:“3.5”读作“三 ~ 五”。 “3.5”is read as “three point five”.
❺ {数} (几何学中指没有长、宽、厚而只有位置的几何图形) point:基准 ~ datum point [mark];两线的交 ~ the point of intersection of two lines
❻ (一定的地点或程度的标志) place;point:沸 ~ boiling point;
居民 ~ residential area;
突破一 ~ make a breakthrough at one point;
以 ~ 带面 promote work in all areas by drawing upon experience gained at key points
❼ (事物的方面或部分) aspect;feature:从这 ~ 上去看 view from this aspect;
特 ~ characteristic feature;
重 ~ focal point;stress;
对这一 ~ 没人怀疑。 Nobody has any doubt about that.
❽ (规定的钟点) appointed time:误 ~ behind time;delayed;late;
正 ~ on time;
到 ~ 了,快走吧! The time is up. Let's go quickly.
❾ (点心) refreshments:茶 ~ tea and cake;tea;
早 ~ breakfast Ⅱ ❶ (表示少量) a little;a bit;some:吃一 ~ 东西 get [have] something to eat;
觉得有一 ~ 冷 feel a little bit cold;
还有一 ~ 希望。 There is a little hope. 他学过一 ~ 拉丁语。 He learned a bit of Latin.
❷ (用于事项):我有几 ~ 不成熟的想法。 I have some tentative suggestions.
❸ (时间单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一) o'clock:上午九 ~ 钟 nine o'clock in the morning;
现在几 ~ 了? What time is it now?
❹ {刷} (计算活字及字模的大小的单位) point,a unit of measurement for type Ⅲ ❶ (用笔加上点子) put a dot:~ 个逗号 make a comma;~ 三个点表示省略 put three dots to show that something has been omitted
❷ (触到物体后立刻离开) touch on very briefly;skim:蜻蜓 ~ 水 dragonflies skimming (over) the water;
他用篙一 ~ 就把船撑开了。 He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole.
❸ (向下稍微动一动立刻恢复原位) nod:她友好地向我 ~ 头。 She nodded to me in a friendly fashion.
❹ (使液体一滴滴地向下落) drip:~ 眼药 put drops in the eyes
❺ (点播) sow in holes;dibble:~ 豆子 dibble beans
❻ (一个个地查对) check one by one:~ 货 check over goods;take stock;~ 人数 count the number of people;
请你把钱 ~ 一 ~。 Please check and see if the money is right.
❼ (在许多人或事物中指定) select;choose:我们 ~ 了4块牛排。 We ordered four beefsteaks.
❽ (指点;启发) hint;point out:一 ~ 他就明白了。 He quickly took the hint.
❾ (引着火) light;burn;kindle:~ 灯 light a lamp;
他是火爆性子,一 ~ 就着。 He's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation.
◆点兵 gather men for a roll call;
点播[种] {农} (播种的一种方法) bunch planting;spaced sowing;hill drop;hill-seeding;seed placement;dibbled planting;hand sowing;dibble seeding;dibbling;(指定节目请电台播送)on demand; (of a listener) ask the radio station to broadcast one's requested item;
点播节目 request program;requested item;
点拨 [口] give directions [pointers;advice];show how (to do sth.);
点补 have a snack to stave off hunger;have a bite;
点彩 (点画) stippling;
点菜 choose dishes from a menu;order dishes (in a restaurant);
点窜 (指修整字句) polish;revise;
点灯是人,吹灯是鬼 act one way in sb.'s presence and another behind his back;
点滴 (零星微小) a bit;crumb;(滴剂) drop;(药剂静脉滴注) drip;intravenous drip;
点点滴滴 dribs and drabs;bit by bit;drop by drop;(by) odds and ends;(by) bits and pieces;every bit of ...;in driblets;
点虱 (of a painter) add casual touches to a painting;
点焊 spot welding;dot welding;pinpoint welding;point weld;shot weld;point welding;stitch welding;
点画法 pointillism;
点画派 divisionism;pointillism;
点火 (挑起是非) stir up trouble;(点燃;打火) ignite;light the fire;fire up;strike a light;priming;ignition;firing;combustion initiation;lighting-off;striking;sparking;kindle the flames;
点货 tally the cargo;tallying;
点饥 have a snack to stave off hunger;
点集 {数} point set;point- group;set of points;
点将 (旧时主帅对将官点名分派任务) call the muster roll of officers and assign them tasks in ancient times;(指名要某人做某项工作) name a person for a particular job;
点交 hand over item by item;
点金成铁 touch gold and turn it into iron — miscorrect a piece of writing;
点控制 point control;point traffic control;
点卯 (in yamen) call the roll in the morning;
点明 point out;put one's finger on;
点名 (查点人数时叫名字) call the roll;keep track of one's attendance;make a roll call;(指名) mention sb. by name;
点撇符号 prime-and-dot notation;
点破 bring sth. out into the open;lay bare;point out bluntly;unravel;
点燃 (使燃烧) light;ignite;enkindle;kindle;put [place;set] a match to;{机} (发火;点火) ignition;lighting;inflammating;lighting-up;
点染 {美} (绘画时点缀景物和着色) add details to a painting;(修饰文字) touch up a piece of writing;polish a piece of writing;
点射 {军} firing in bursts;fixed fire;
点石成金 touch a stone and turn it into gold — be able to perform wonders;turn stone into gold by touching;work miracles;
点收 check and accept;
点数 check the number (of pieces,etc.);count;points;tally;
点题 bring out the theme;
点铁成金 touch the metal and turn it into gold — turn a piece of poor writing into a literary gem;turn a crude essay into a literary gem;the golden touch in writing by dexterous use of words;
点头 nod one's head;nod;nod assent;nod one's agreement;give permission;
点头哈腰 [口] bow unctuously;bow and scrape;make a nod and bend slightly in greeting;nod and bow;with much bowing and nodding;
点头之交 (have) a nodding acquaintance with ...;a bowing acquaintance;an incidental acquaintance;
点戏 select from a list the performances one desires to see;
点心 light refreshments;pastry;dessert;
点穴 attack a vital point;select the site of a grave through geomancy;hit at certain acupoints;causing internal injury;
点验 examine item by item;check;
点着 light;light up;
点阵 lattice;periodic lattice;space lattice;dot array;dot matrix;point array;
点阵打印机 dot printer;
点种 dibble in the seeds;
点种 dibbling;
点缀 (衬托;装饰) embellish;ornament;adorn;(应景儿) use sth. merely for show;
点字 braille (盲人点字法);点子 (主意) idea;method;pointer;(要点) key point;key-link;(小滴) drop (of liquid);(小痕迹) spot;dot;speck;(打击乐器的节拍) beat (of percussion instruments;
点子公司 the ideas company








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