释义 |
炮火连天pào huǒ lián tiāngunfire is heard constantly; gunfire licks the heavens; guns roar (/thunder) ceaselessly; the flames of battle reach the sky ❍ 大姐娃遭事的那年腊月,渭北~,地方上风声很紧,有钱人都不敢雇工。(王汶石《风雪之夜》) The last month of the year of Dajie’s misfortunes,saw con tinual fighting north of the Weishui River; and rumours of outbreaks ran rampant in the village so that the well-to-do dared not hire any help./“八一三”以后,上海成了火线,市区~,军队到处抓伕。(陶承《我的一家》86)After August 13,1937,Shanghai itself became a battle front. Gunfire was heard constantly,men were being pressganged daily. ❍ 天快亮了,大黑山那边~,总攻开始了。(石文驹《战地红缨》244) Day was breaking. On the other side of the Great Dark Mountains,the general attack of the PLA began. Guns roared ceaselessly. ❍ 整个微山岛上,还是~,到处弥漫着烟雾。(知侠《铁道游击队》507) Hooded by smoke and fire,Weishan Island shook and quavered under the force of the cannonading. ❍ 摩天岭~。(沈西蒙等《南征北战》45) The flames of battle on our position reach the sky. ❍ 老战士们讲述的战斗故事,多少次把欧阳海的心带到那~的战场。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》71) Veterans’tales of the fighting transported him to the front and its thundering artillery. ❍ ~,他老人家要是有个一差二错,咱们该指靠什么?(杜鹏程《保卫延安》117) With all this fighting and shooting going on—what if something happened to him? 炮火连天pào huǒ lián tiān形容炮火接二连三,打个不停。Gunfire licked the heavens. gunfire is heard constantly |