释义 |
灵机一动líng jī yī dònga bright idea occurs; be seized by a sudden impulse (/inspiration); by a flash of wih; have a brainwave; hit upon an idea; fake a whim for ❍ 他忽而~又说:“中间的枪洞,也许是刚才男民兵打的,忘了糊纸。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》152) Then a glimmer came into his eyes and he added,"Anyway,those holes could have been made Ly the men. I'd forgotten to paste them over.”/突然间,李承义~,给自己找到了辩护的理由:……(杨佩瑾《剑》163)Inaflash,inspiration arrived—he had good grounds to excuse himself. ❍ 忽然,~,徐鹏飞马上提起笔来,在行动科长签呈的意见上批道: ……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》112) On a sudden decision Xu Penfei picked up his brush and below the Chief of Operations' suggestion wrote: …/忽然~,他想韩老六拉过大排,一定有大枪…… (周立波《暴风骤雨》 58) Suddenly he remembered that Han Number Six had organized an armed unit before and might therefore have guns by him. ❍ 小邵忽然~,敬了个礼说:“报告白大夫: 鸡已经烧好了,不吃就是浪费!八路军不许浪费!”(张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》) The boy suddenly gets an idea. Saluting,he cries: "The chicken is already cooked,doctor. If you don't eat it,it will be wasted. Waste is not allowed in the Eighth Route Army.”/他~:“对,随车队混过去!“(石文驹《战地红缨》 239) The thought flashed in his mind. "I'll use that convoy to get there. " 灵机一动línɡ jī yī dònɡ机:心机、心思;灵机:灵巧的心思。形容临时想出来好办法。suddenly to have a brain wave, by a flash of wit |