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❶ (照明等用的发光器具) lamp;lantern;light:壁[台] ~ wall [desk] lamp;
床头 [落地] ~ bedside [floor] lamp;
电 ~ electric light;
宫 ~ palace lantern;
煤油 ~ kerosene lamp
❷ (燃烧液体或气体用来对别的东西加热的器具) burner:酒精 ~ alcohol burner;spirit lamp;
喷 ~ blowtorch;blowlamp
❸ (俗称电子管) valve;tube:6 ~ 收音机 a six-valve radio set
◆灯标 {航海} beacon light;light beacon;post;gas buoy;
灯彩 (做彩灯的工艺) coloured-lantern making;(舞台上用的彩灯) coloured lanterns;festoon lighting;
灯(心)草 {植} Juncus effusus;rush (used as lamp ̄ wick);
灯船 {航海} lightship;light vessel;
灯蛾扑火,惹焰烧身 The moth flies into the flame only to get itself burnt to death.;(One is like) a moth flying into the flame to burn its own body.;
灯管 (fluorescent) tube;
灯光 (灯的光度) the light of a lamp;lamplight;(舞台或摄影棚的照明设备) (stage) lighting;
灯红酒绿 red lanterns and green wine — scene of debauchery;feasting and revelry;indulge in gay life and debauchery;
灯红酒绿,纸醉金迷 lead a gay life;go [be] on the racket;
灯花 snuff (of a candlewick);niggers;ears;
灯会 lantern show;
灯火 lights;
灯火辉煌 brilliantly illuminated;ablaze with lights;
灯节 the Lantern Festival (15th of the first lunar month);
灯具 lamps and lanterns;
灯笼 lantern;
灯谜 riddles written on lanterns;lantern riddles;
灯泡 lamp bulb;lamp globe;
灯市 a lantern fair;streets where festive lanterns were displayed on the Lantern Festival;
灯丝 {电子} directly heated cathode;electron-tube heater;filamentary cathode;filament- type cathode;lamp filament;
灯塔 lighthouse;pharos;beacon;
灯头 (接在电灯线末端、供安装灯泡用的装置) lamp holder;electric light socket;lamp base;lamp cap;lamp adapter;(电灯的盏数) number of lamps;(煤油灯上装灯芯、安灯罩的部分) a holder for the wick and chimney of a kerosene lamp;
灯线 lamp line;
灯心 lampwick;wick;
灯心草 {植} bog rush;sprat;bullrush;hard rush;bent;rush;
灯心绒 {纺} corduroy;ribbed velvet;patent velvet;ribbed velveteen corduroy;fustian cord;corduroy;
灯油 lamp-oil;kerosene;paraffin oil;
灯语 lamp signal;
灯展 lantern show;lantern fair;
灯站 {航} light station;
灯罩 lamp-chimney (油灯);lampshade;
灯座 lamp-socket





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