释义 |
灭顶之灾miè dǐng zhī zāigetting buried beneath the waves; great calamity; imminent doom; in danger of being swamped; the imminent danger of getting drowned ❍ 他绝望地感到:看来,不但这“出头之日”是没有希望了,并且,~即将临头!(杨啸《红雨》249)This year it looked to Lame Sun the “day of revenge”was not forthcoming,but that the day of his doom was approaching instead. ❍ 动员了全国的老百姓,就造成了陷敌于~的汪洋大海,造成了弥补武器等等缺陷的补救条件,造成了克服一切战争困难的前提。(《毛泽东选集》448) The mobilization of the common people throughout the country will create a vast sea in which to drown the enemy,create the conditions that will make up for our inferiority in arms and other things,and create the prerequisites for overcoming every difficulty in the war. 灭顶之灾miè dǐnɡ zhī zāi灭顶:水漫过头顶。比喻毁灭性的灾祸。be drowned, getting drowned, great calamity, be swamped |