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单词 dispute
释义 dispute1 /di'spjuzt; di'spjut/ n 1 [U] debate, argument. 辩霭; 争论。 in ~ The matter i” ~ (= being disputed) is the ownership of a house. 目下争论的事是一所房子的所有权。 beyond/past (all) ~, unquestionably; undoubtedly: 无疑地: This is beyond ~ the best book on the subject.' 这无疑是有关此问题最好的一本书。 in ~ with, engaged in a ~ with: 与…辩论; 与…争论: The workers' union is in ~ with the management. 工会与经理人员争论。 without ~, without fear of contradicticm. 不会引起反驳地。 2 [C] quarrel; argument; controversy: 夺吵; 争辩; 争话: There were many religious ~s in England during the 17th century. 十七世纪在英国有许多宗敎上的争论。




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