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单词 disposition
释义 disposition / (disps'zifn; /disps'zijdn/ n [C] 1 arrangement; placing in order: 排列; 布 ft: the ~ of furniture in a room; 房间内家具的布 jt; a clever ~ of troops. 军队之巧妙的部署。 2 person's natural qualities of mind and character: 建情; 气质: a man with a cheerful ~; 性情开朗的人; a to jealousy/ to take offence easily. 喜妒嫉(易发怒) 的性债。 3 inclination: 倾向: There was a general ~ to leave early, Most people seemed to wish to leave early. 大多数人似乎想早些动身。 4 power of ordering and disposing: 支配权点理权: Who has the ~ of this property, the power or authority to dispose of it? 谁有处置这项财产之权?




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