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单词 激浊扬清

激浊扬清jī zhuó yáng qīng

drain away the mud and bring in fresh water—drive out the evil and usher in the good; eliminate the impure from the pure;eliminate vice and exalt virtue; praise the good and condemn the evil; rid of (/cast off) the wicked and hail (/cherish) the virtuous
❍ 只有~,才能发扬正气,打击歪风。Only by praising the good and condemning the evil,can healthy trends be encouraged and unhealthy ones combated.

激浊扬清ji zhuo yang qing

drain away the mud and bring in fresh water—drive out evil and usher good

激浊扬清jī zhuó yánɡ qīnɡ

激:冲掉;浊:浑水、脏水;扬:掀起;清:清水。冲去脏水,使清水流畅。比喻清除坏东西,发扬好的作风、习惯等。eliminate vice and exalt virtue, drive out evil and usher in good, get rid of the evil and hail the virtuous





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