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单词 漠不关心

漠不关心mò bù guān xīn

a carefree attitude;apathetic (al); indifferent; careless; cold; dis interested; nonchalant; unconcerned
❍ 他们认为对于任何劳动者和被压迫者的解放斗争,采取~的态度是错误的,采取幸灾乐祸的态度是犯罪的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》54) They consider it wrong to be indifferent to the struggle of the working and oppressed people for liberation,and criminal to gloat over their set backs.
❍ 不顾大局,对别部、别地、别人~,就是这种本位主义者的特点。(《毛泽东选集》 782) Lack of con sideration for the whole and complete indifference to other departments,localities and people are char acteristics of a selfish departmental ist./“姐姐对我说了,”他~地说,“这种人,我知道迟早要出事的。” (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—240) “Yes,Ruifang told me”,he said indifferently. “I knew he was heading for trouble sooner or later,the way he was going on.”/另一方面,看见张福全对这样重大的事情,只是怕自己倒楣而外,总是显得~的样子,……(艾芜《百炼成钢》143) Zhang did not seem the least concerned about such an important matter and would not even bother to find out the cause. All he complained about was his own bad luck.
❍ 徐爱卿却毫不以为奇,~地说:“他走他的,我们跳吧。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—199) Xu Aiqing did not seem at all surprised and said unconcernedly:“Don’t worry about him,let’s dance.”


indifferent; unconcerned
对人民的疾苦~ remain indifferent to the sufferings of the people

漠不关心mò bù ɡuān xīn

漠:冷淡。形容对人或事物态度冷淡,不关心。unconcerned, hold loose, have an apathy to, bruth aside, express no concern





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