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单词 满面春风

满面春风mǎn miàn chūn fēng

be radiant with happiness; beam with satisfaction; cheerfully; with a beaming (/radiant) smile; with broad smiles
❍ 毛人凤~地干了杯,徐太太又含笑为他满满地斟上。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》181) Flushed with pleasure and wine,Mao Renfeng emptied his glass,and Mrs Xu again refilled it.
❍ 她站在门外,略略定一定神,觉得自家的烦躁气消散了,才~地走进院里去。(王汶石《风雪之夜》182)She roused herself when she reached her own gate and paused a few minutes to make sure that her face would not betray her annoyance. Beaming benevo lently she stepped into the yard.
❍ 他回转身子,满脸春风地问道: “要我参加?我有资格加入你们的半边天?”(周立波《山乡巨变》73) He turned round and asked cheerfully: “You want me to attend? What quali fications have I got to enter your half of heaven?”/老太婆抬起头来,~地笑道:“局长,你好健忘啊!不认识我啦?”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》272) Grandma looked up and said graciously: “What a poor memory you have,chief of police. Didn’t you recognize me?”/秦仲义,穿得很讲究,~,走进来。(老舍《茶馆》12)Qin Zhongyi,meticulously dressed and in high spirits,enters.
❍ 悟空~,高登宝座,将铁棒竖在当中。(《西游记》36) Sun Wukong,his face lit up with youthful vigour,climbed up to his throne,thrust his cudgel into the ground in their midst.
❍ 这才忙欲起身,犹未起身,~的问好,又嗔着周瑞家的: “怎么不早说!”(《红楼梦》75) She made a motion as if to rise and greeted them with a radiant smile,scolding Mrs Zhou for not speaking up before.
❍ 毛人凤愣了一下,立刻从严醉手上接过酒瓶,为他斟得满满的,~地宣布道: …… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 182) Mao Renfeng took the bottle from Yan Zui and filled his glass to the brim,then announced with a beaming face:…/可是他马上计上心来,使眼色给保长,就~的来奉承一番了。(知侠《铁道游击队》294)However,he was quick to act. Signalling a silent message to the village head,he received the guerrillas with broad smiles and extreme civility.


be radiant with joy (or pleasure);beam with happin ess





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