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单词 满腔热忱

满腔热忱满腔热情mǎn qiāng rè chén

be filled with ardour and sincerity; most enthusiastic;full of enthusiasm (/warmth); glow with enthusiasm and heartiness; in all sincerity (/earnestness/warmheartedness); out of whole-hearted eagerness;warm-hearted; zealous
❍ 对同志对人民不是~,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。(《毛泽东选集》621) They feel no warmth towards comrades and the people but are cold,indifferent and apathetic.
❍ 在座的有些同志要往前方去。许多同志~,争着出去工作,这种积极性和热情,是很可贵的。(《毛泽东选集》1059) Some comrades present will be leaving for the front. Many,full of enthusiasm,are vying with each other for the opportunity to go to work there,and this active and fervent spirit is very valuable.
❍ 他一再强调对归侨要“一视同仁”,并且满腔热情地从政治上给予关怀。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—237)He emphasized again and again that there must be no discrimination against returnees. Full of warmth,he showed political concern for us.
❍ 张乔治 (~)Hello! Hello!我一猜你们就在这儿! (《曹禺选集》179) GEORGE(glowing with enthusiasm and heartiness): Bonjour!Bonjour! I guessed you'd both be in here!/对朋友,他~,谦虚谨慎,开诚相见,平等待人。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ —160) He was warm hearted,outspoken and modest towards friends he treated as equals.


brim with enthusiasm;be filled with ardor and zest

满腔热忱mǎn qiānɡ rè chén

满腔:满腹;热忱:热情。心里充满热烈真挚的感情。filled with ardour and sincerity, in all earnestness, full of enthusiasm, feel warmth towards





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