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单词 满城风雨

满城风雨mǎn chéng fēng yǔ

become the talk of the town; cause a big scandal; create a sensation;kick up a terrific racket; raise a wide-spread uproar
❍ 原来他们发现我不在执政府里,就告诉了日本宪兵司令部,宪兵司令部便出动了大批军警到处搜寻. 弄得~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》316) Apparently my absence from my residence had been reported to the Japanese gendarmerie,and large members of troops and police had been mobilized to search for me,causing a great commotion throughout the city.
❍ 复辟的 “谣传”弄得~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 118)…the air was full of rumours of a new attempt to put me back on the throne.
❍ 即使是很革命的人吧,受了那班 “糟得很” 派的~的议论的压迫,他闭眼一想乡村的情况,也就气馁起来,没有法子否认这 “糟”字。(《毛泽东选集》 15) Under the impact of the views of the "It's terrible!" school then flooding the city,even quite revolutionary-minded people became down hearted as they pictured the events in the countryside in their mind's eye; and they were unable to deny the word"terrible".

满城风雨man cheng feng yu

talk of the town


be the talk of the town; cause a great sensation;cause a furore
这件丑闻闹得~。The scandal has created a sensation (or caused quite a furore).

满城风雨mǎn chénɡ fēnɡ yǔ

原形容秋天的景物。现多用以比喻某件事情一经传开,就引起轰动,到处议论纷纷。become the talk of the town, storm the whole city, create a sensation





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