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单词 满口应承

满口应承满口答应mǎn kǒu yìng chéng

assent with alacrity; consent readily; promise outright
❍ 俘虏们满口答应:“是是是!”(冯志《敌后武工队》111) The captives all agreed. "Yes,yes,yes!"”/马道婆见了这些东西,又有欠字,遂~,伸手先将银子拿了,然后收了契。(《红楼梦》 294) At the sight of this gleaming pile of silver and the promissory note,the priestess did not scruple to assent with alacrity. First she put away the silver and then the note. /“好好的!” 三掌柜满口答应了。(知侠《铁道游击队》130)"“Sure,sure!"” Kinzo readily consented.
❍ 秦妈妈摸摸汤阿英的头,不愿意说没有希望,但她不肯马上满口答应。(周而复 《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—42) Auntie Qin stroked Tang Aying's hair,she did not want to say there was no hope,nor did she want to promise outright.
❍ 他没有马上~,也没有立刻回答,对着桌上那盏深黄色的小台灯凝神地想了一阵。(周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —15) He did not respond enthusiastically,nor did he reply at once,but sat staring at the little orange table-lamp,sunk in thought.





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