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❶ (光滑;滑溜) slippery;smooth: 又圆又 ~ 的小石子 smooth,round pebbles;
雨后路 ~。 The road is slippery after rain. 这块布料摸起来很 ~。 The cloth feels smooth.
❷ (油滑;狡诈) cunning;crafty;slippery: 油腔 ~ 调 said of persuasive but not reliable talker;full of guile and cunning;
又奸又 ~ mean and crafty Ⅱ (贴着物体表面移动) slip;slide: 孩子们喜欢在新打光的地板上 ~ 来 ~ 去。 The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor. 我在冰上 ~ 倒了。 I slipped on the ice. 咱们顺着这草坡 ~ 下去吧。 Let's slide down this grassy slope. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 寿 Hua Shou
◆滑板 chute board;return board;return bottom;saddle;slide board;slide plate;slip board;slipper block;bedway;{机} operating slide;{体} skateboard;feint play;
滑臂 cursor slide(r);{电} slider;wiper;
滑标千分尺 slide micrometer;
滑冰 ice-skating;skating;skate;
滑冰运动员 skater;
滑柄 sliding handle;
滑伯 a surname;
滑步 coulé;滑草坡运动 grass skiing;
滑肠 laxation;
滑车 {机} block;wheel;purchase tackle;pulley;purchase;{生理} trochlea;
滑尺 slide ruler;
滑触头 slipper;slider;
滑道 skidway;soot;slideway;race;ways;runway;runner;chute;slide;
滑垫 skidding;
滑动 slither;slippage;slipping;slide;sliding;run;sliding movement [motion];glide;slump;
滑动关税 sliding duties;
滑粉 smoothers;
滑竿 jampan;a kind of litter;
滑轱辘 roller-skating;
滑管小号 tromba da tirarsi;
滑规 {物} slip gauge;
滑轨 slide;sliding rail;slideway;rack;
滑痕 slide mark;
滑稽 funny;amusing;comical;comic talk;
滑架 balladeur train;carriage;
滑键 feather key;feather;sliding key;
滑精 {中医} involuntary emission;spermatorrhoea;
滑块 slider;slide block;slipper;slug;die-block;
滑[冲]浪板 surf board;
滑溜 stir-fried with thick gravy;sauté with starchy sauce;
滑溜 [口] (光滑) smooth;slick;slippage;slippery;slithery;
滑轮 pulley;sheave;glidewheel;pulley wheel;rope block;block;roller;
滑落 backfall;
滑脉 {中医} slippery pulse;smooth pulse;
滑膜 synovium;synovialis;synovial membrane;
滑磨石 slipstone;
滑腻 (of the skin) satiny;velvety;creamy;
滑拍打法 feint play;
滑片 gleithretter;slip sheet;
滑坡 hill-creep;landslide;landslip;go steadily downhill;slide downhill;
滑橇 skidding;runner;
滑肉门 {穴位} Huaroumen (S 24);滑润 smooth;well-lubricated;lubricant;
滑沙运动 sand surfing;
滑石 speckstone;talc;soapstone;steatite;talcum;French chalk;
滑水 {体} aquaplane;water ski;
滑速 slip velocity;
滑胎 {中医} habitual abortion;
滑膛枪 trap gun;musket;smoothbore (gun);
滑梯 slide;children's slide;
滑体 slip mass;
滑天下之大稽 be the biggest joke in the world;be the object of universal ridicule;make a great laughing-stock of;absurd [ludicrous] to the utmost;
滑条 draw runner;draw slip;
滑铁卢 Waterloo (a place name in Belgium,scene of Napoleon's defeat in 1815);滑头 slippery fellow;sly customer;slippery;shifty;slick;foxy;cunning;
滑头滑脑 a cunning person;crafty;foxy;artful;guile;slick;sly;
滑脱 slippage;glide;slipping;gliding;olisthe;olisthy;
滑下 slipping;sliding;glide;gliding;
滑线 slide-wire;
滑翔 glide;volplane;gliding;soaring;
滑翔道 glide-path;
滑翔机 {航空} glider;soarer;air sailer;glider plane;gliding aircraft;sail plane;soaring aeroplane;
滑泄 {医} lingering diarrhea;
滑行 glissade;run;slide;glide;taxing;coast;taxi;
滑行道 taxi-strip;taxilane;taxiway;{航空} taxi track;
滑行艇 planning boat;
滑靴 piston shoes;
滑雪 {体} ski;skiing;
滑雪车 skibob;
滑雪式溢洪道 ski-jump spillway;
滑移 drift;slippage;glide;slide;slip;
滑音 {语} glide;{音} portamento ;滑转 trackslip;
滑走 slipping;glide;gliding;sliding;
滑座 slide;slide carriage;slide rest





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