单词 | render |
释义 | render/′rendǝ(r)/ v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/] (1)给予;交换为(give or provide(aid,service,etc);give sth in return or exchange)[T+n,T+n+prep(for),D+n+n,D+n+prep(to)](fml):~a large sum in back taxes 偿还一大笔拖欠的税款;~an apology 表示道歉;~blow for blow/good for evil 以牙还牙/以德报怨;~sb help/a service 为某人帮忙/服务;~homage/obedience/allegiance(to sb) (向某人)表示效忠/服从/忠诚;~thanks (to God)(对上帝)表示感谢;~service/assistance/aid/support (to the needy and indigent)(为穷人和贫困者)提供服务/帮助/援助/支持;~tribute to the conqueror 向征服者进贡;The court~ed the property back to the original owner. 法庭把财产判给了它原来的主人。〖同〗put back,provide;〖反〗refuse,retain; (2)提(开)出(账目等)(present or submit(account,etc) for payment)[T+n](fml):~an account/a bill 报账/开账单;~sb's account up to Christmas 把某人到圣诞节为止的赊购账列出来;an account to~for £300 一张要付300英镑的赊购账单;an account~ed $100 开出100美元的账单;~an account of all the money spent/sb's expenditure 对所有花掉的钱/某人的支出作出说明;〖同〗submit; (3)使变为(cause to become)[C+n+adj](fml):Climbing~ed me giddy. 攀登使我头晕。 His remark~ed me speechless. 他的话使我哑口无言。~a contract invalid 使合同失效;He was~ed healthy again by the long recuperation. 长期疗养使他恢复了健康。The machine was~ed useless by unskillful handling. 不熟练的操作使那台机器报废了。〖同〗make; (4)演出(奏);(用文字、绘画)表现(perform(a musical composition,dramatic work,etc);represent in word or in art)[T+n,尤pass](fml):~the landscapes in detail/with great skill and artistry 详细地/以高度的技艺和艺术技巧画风景;Othello/The piano solo/The song was~ed rather poorly (very well/beautifully). 《奥赛罗》一剧的演出/钢琴独奏表演/那首歌演唱得相当糟(很好/美妙绝伦)。〖同〗do,perform,play; (5)翻译,表达(translate)[T+n,T+n+prep (into)](fml):~poetry 翻译诗歌;The foreign ambassador's speech was~ed by an interpreter. 一位翻译将那位外国大使的讲话翻译过来。~the passage(from Homer/French) into English 把(荷马史诗/法语的)这一段译成英语;~a Latin text into German 将一拉丁文文本译成德文;〖同〗translate,interpret; (6)墙上抹底灰(cover the surface (brickwork,etc) with a first coat of plaster)[T+n](fml):~walls 抹墙; (7)交出,放弃(hand over or give up;yield)[I+adv(up)](fml):~up a fort/a city(to the enemy/insurgents) 放弃要塞/城市(把它交给敌人/暴动者);~up one's soul to God(fig) 把自己的灵魂交给上帝(死了); render down (v adv)炼(油)(vt):The whale blubber is~ed down to make oil. 鲸脂被熔化制成鱼油。 →′rendering n 演出;译文;底灰 |
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