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❶ (滑行; 下滑) slide; slip; glide: 出 ~ slide; slip; ~ 下山坡 slide down a slope
❷ (偷偷地走开) slip away; sneak off: ~ 出房间 slip out of the room; ~ 之乎也 sneak away; slink off [away; by]; 他设法从码头上收票人身边 ~ 过去。 He tried to slip past the ticket collector at the dock.
❸ (加热) heat up: ~ 冷饭 heat up cold rice
❹ 同 “熘” [liū] same as “熘” [liū] Ⅱ (光滑; 平滑) smooth; sleek; glossy: 滑 ~ slippery; ~ 圆 very round Ⅲ [后缀] (加在形容词后, 多叠用): 光 ~ ~ smooth; slippery; 酸 ~ ~ very sour; 稀 ~ ~ very thin
另见 see also liù。
◆溜边 [口] keep to the edge; 溜冰 slide on the ice; skate; skating; [方] roller-skating; 溜槽[斗] down ̄ spouting; sluice; chute; 溜达 [口] stroll; saunter; go for a walk; 溜掉 slip; vanish; decamp; 溜光 [方] very smooth; sleek; glossy; 溜号 [方] sneak away; slink off; 溜滑 skid; 溜肩膀 sloping shoulders; [方] lacking a proper sense of responsibility; irresponsible; 溜开 shy away [off]; slink; 溜口 boxhole; 溜溜转 (of a circular body) spin continuously; 溜须拍马 [口] fawn on; toady to; shamelessly flatter;lick sb.'s boots; suck up to sb.; 溜之大吉 seek safety in flight; beat a hasty retreat; fling [pick] up one's heels; give leg bail; make oneself scarce; show a clean pair of heels; show one's heels; slip [sneak] away; slink off [away]; slope off; take it on the lam; take to one's heels [legs]; 溜走 leave stealthily; slip away; slink; slope off


Ⅰ ❶ (迅速的水流) swift current; turbulent flow
❷ (房顶上流下来的雨水) rainwater from the roof
❸ (檐沟) eaves gutter: 水 ~ roof gutter for running water
❹ (排; 条) row; line: 一 ~ 新楼房 a row of new buildings
❺ (某一地点附近的地方) surroundings; neighbourhood; nearby place: 这 ~ 没有邮局。 There is no post office round here. Ⅱ [方] (抹墙缝; 糊缝隙) fill (a crevice, fissure, etc.); plaster; daub; paste: ~ 窗缝 seal with paper the cracks around a window
另见 see also liū。
◆溜子 {矿} scraper-trough conveyer







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