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单词 remember
remember/rɪ′membǝ(r)/ v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/][无prog

(1)记得(住,起)(recall to mind;think of again;keep carefully in memory)[IT+nT+thatT+whT+wh+infT+to-infT+ingC+n+as]:if I~rightly/correctly 如果我没记错/我记得正确的话;~sb/sb's name/the whole things/the advice you gave me 记得某人/某人的名字/整件事情/你给我的劝告;~that the shop was on the way to the hill 记得那家商店就在去山上的路上;~what one had heard/where one parked his car/how one used to fish for tadpoles 记得曾听到的话/把车停在那儿了/以前怎样捉蝌蚪;can't~how to stop the machine/get there 忘了怎样关这台机器/到那儿了;~to shut the door/turn off the light/meet sb tonight 记住关门/关灯/今晚去接某人;~seeing sb last summer/telling sb about him/cabling home for more money 记得去年夏天曾见过某人/对某人谈起过他/给家打过电报要钱;~sb falling down the steps/saying so/posting the letter 记得某人从台阶上摔下去/这样说过/把信寄走了;~sb as a slim young girl/(being) fatter than that 记得某人是个苗条的小姑娘/比那还要胖;~the village as a place of narrow streets 记得那是个街道狭窄的村子;He will be~d as the losing candidate. 人们不会忘记他是个失败的候选人。〖同〗recall,recollect;〖反〗forget;

(2)记得给小费(送礼、馈赠)等(give moneyetc to sb as in a will or in tipping)[T+n]:Please~the porter/the waiter. 别忘了给搬运工/服务员小费。~sb at sb's birthday/Christmas 记着送某人生日/圣诞礼物;Grandfather~ed us all in his will. 祖父在他的遗嘱中给我们每个人都留下了遗赠。〖同〗tip,reward;

(3)纪念,在祷告中提到(hold a ceremony in honour of a person or event;mention in a prayer)[T+n]:~the sick/the old/the needy/the war dead 为病人/老人/穷人/战争中死去的人祈祷;On November 11th we~the dead of two world wars. 11月11日我们纪念在两次世界大战中死去的人们。

remember sb to sb 替某人问候:Please~me to your family. 请代我问候你们全家。Mother asked to be~ed to you. 母亲要我代她向你问好。

→ re′membrance n 回忆,记忆;记念品;

【用法】remember to do sth 与 remember doing sth 的区别在于:remember to do sth 表示在事情还没有做时,告诉别人不要忘记去做,如:remember to post the letter(记住把那封信寄出去);而 remember doing sth 是指事情已经做完了,事后记得,如:remember posting the letter(记得把那封信已经寄走了)。

【辨异】rememberrecallrecollect的区别见 RECALL。





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