释义 |
游yóuⅠ ❶ (人或动物在水里行动) swim: ~ 过一条河 swim across [over] a river; ~ 回岸边 swim back to the shore; 你能潜 ~ 吗? Can you swim under the water? 他们游泳 ~ 了一个下午。 They swam all afternoon. 鱼在 水里 ~ 来 ~ 去。 The fish swim about in the water. ❷ (各处从容地行走; 闲逛) rove around; wander; travel; tour: 周 ~ 世界 travel round the world; go on a world tour; 他 ~ 遍了法国。 He travelled France from end to end. ❸ [书] (交游; 来往) associate with: 交 ~ 甚广 have a wide circle of acquaintances Ⅱ (不固定的; 经常移动的) roving; itinerant: ~ 民 vagrant Ⅲ ❶ (江河的一段) part of a river; reach: 上[下, 中] ~ the upper [lower, middle] reaches (of a river) ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 远 You Yuan ◆游伴 travel companion; 游标 {机} nonius; vernier; 游荡 loaf about; loiter; wander; 游动 move about; go from place to place; play; 游击 guerrilla warfare; 游记 travel notes; travels; 游街 parade sb. through the streets; 游客 visitor; tourist; excursionist; sightseer; 游览 go sight-seeing; tour; visit; 游廊 gallery; veranda(h); covered corridor (linking two or more buildings); 游乐 amuse oneself; play; 游乐场 amusement park; funfair; 游离 dissociate; drift away; {化} free; 游历 travel for pleasure; travel; tour; 游民 vagrant; vagabond; 游牧 move about in search of pasture; rove around as a nomad; nomadism; 游憩 stroll about or have a rest; 游禽 swimming bird; natatorial bird; 游人 visitor; sightseer; tourist; 游刃有余 handle a butcher's cleaver skillfully — do a job with skill and ease; accomplish a task with ease; be more than equal to a task; have plenty of room for play of butcher's knife; 游山玩水 make a sightseeing tour; tour the scenic spots; do sightseeing among hills and up and down rivers; go on trips to scenic spots; 游水 swim; a surname; 游说 go canvassing; go about selling an idea; go about drumming up support for an idea; lobby; 游丝 gossamer; {机} balance spring; hairspring; 游艇 yacht; launch; pleasure-boat; 游玩 amuse oneself; play; go sight-seeing; stroll about; 游戏 recreation; game; play; 游戏机 recreational machine; 游侠 a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct (in olden times); 游仙诗 poetry about immortals; 游乡 parade sb. through the village; solicit customers through the village; 游行 parade; march; demonstration; 游兴 interest in going on an excursion [sightseeing]; 游移 waver; vacillate; wobble; 游艺 entertainment; recreation; 游弋 cruise; 游泳 swim; 游泳池 swimming pool; 游泳衣 swimwear; bathe; swimsuit; swimming suit; bathing suit [costume]; 游勇 stragglers and disbanded soldiers; 游园 take part in a garden party; visit a garden or park; mass celebrations in parks; gala party; 游子 [书] man travelling or residing in a place far away from home; 游子 decoy |