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单词 dignity
释义 dignity /'dignati; 'dignati/ n 1 [U] true worth; the quality that earns or deserves respect: 真实价値; 可尊敬的品格: the ~ of labour. 劳动的真正价値; 劳工神圣。 A man's ~ depends not upon his wealth or rank but upon his character. 人的真正价値不在财富或地位,而在品格。 2 [U] calm and serious manner or style: 尊严; 威严: If you're afraid of losing your ~ (eg of being made to look fool-ish), you can't expect to learn to speak a foreign language. 如果你怕失去尊严,你就不能期望学会说一种外国语。 beneath one's ~, below one's moral, social, etc standards: 有伤尊严; 有失身份: It is beneath your ~ to answer such a rude remark. 回答这种粗野的话有伤你的尊严。 stand on/upon one's ~, insist upon being treated with proper respect; refuse to do what one considers to be below one's moral, social, etc standards. 坚持礼遇; 保持尊严(拒绝做有失身分的事)。 3 [C] (pl -ties) high or honourable rank, port or title: 高位显爵: The Queen conferred the ~ of a peerage on him. 女 . 王授他以贵族身分。




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