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单词 digest
释义 digest2 /di'dest; 6s'6zest/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] 1 (of food) change, be changed, in the stomach and bowels, so that it can be used in the body: (指食物)消化(在胃肠中起变化以便身体吸收); 被消化: Some foods ~ /are ~ed more easily than others. 某些食物较其他的食物易于消化。 2 take into the mind; make part of one's knowledge; reduce (a mass of facts, etc) to order: 吸收于脑中:使成为自己的知识的一部分; 将(一堆事实等)整理出系统; 透彻了解: Have you ~ed everythin 冒 that is important in the book? 你是否已将书中每一要点透彻了解? ~ible /di'dsestabl; cls'r1ze8tsbl/ adj that can be ~ed. 可消化的。 ~i bil ity /disestd'bibti; 6s,6ze5ts'bl1su/ n




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