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单词 difference
释义 difference /'difrans; 'difarans/ n [C, U] ~ (br-tween), 1 the state of being unlike: 不同; 相気; 差别: the ~ between summer and winter. 冬夏之别。 2 amount, degree, manner, in which things are unlike: 事物彼此不同的数额,程度或方式; 差数; 差别之 - 处: The ~ between 7 and 18 is 11. 7 与 18 的差数是 II, What a great ~ there is in the temperature today! 今天的气温差别好大啊 \\ There are many ~s between the two languages. 这两种语言有许多不同之处。 split the ~, csplit. 3 make a/some/ no/any/not much/a great deal of ~, be of some/no, etc importance: 有 (颇有,没有,有何,没有多大,有很大) 重要性: won't make much ~ whether you go today or tomorrow. 你今天去或明天去没有多大关系。 Does that make any ~, Is it important, need we consider it? 那是否有重要性?我们是否需要考虑它? make a ~ between, treat differently. 差别对待。 4 disagreement: 不同意; 歧见: Why can't you settle your ~s and be friends again? 你们为何不消除岐见而言归于好?




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