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单词 diet
释义 diet1 /'daiat; 'daiat/ n [C] 1 sort of food usually eaten (by a person, community, etc): (个人,社食等) 通常所吃的食物: the Japanese ~ of rice, vegetables and fish. 日本人所常吃的食物:米,蔬菜和鱼。 Too rich a ~ ( = Too much rich food) is not good for you. 太油腻的食物对你不好。 2 sort of food to which a person is limited, eg for medical reasons: 某人 (因瞥疗的理由等) 披限制食用的食物:The doctor put her on a 医生限制她的饮食。 No po tatoes for me—I'm on a ~. 不要好我马铃薯 —— 我在吃规定的饮食。 vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] restrict (oneself, sb), be restricted, to a ~ (2): 规定或限制 (自己或他人) 的饮食; 实行节食: She became so fat that she had to ~ herself. 她长得太胖,所以不得不实行节食。 My doctor is ~ing me very strictly. 我的医生正极严格地限制我的饮食。 Is he still ~ing? 他仍在节食吗? dietary /'daistan US: -ten; 'daia-/ten/ adj of ~:限制饮食的:~。 rules; 饮食规则; ~ a\\y taboos, eg pork for Muslims. 饮食方面的禁忌 (例如回敎徒之不食猪肉) 。 dietet icis /.daia'tetiks; zdaia'tEtiks/ n (sing v) science of ~. (用单数动词) , 饮食学; 营养学。 dietician, dietitian /,6ais'ti/n; /,clsis'ti/sn n expert in dietetics. 饮食学象; 营养车家。




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