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单词 混淆黑白

混淆黑白hùn xiáo hēi bái

call black white; call white black; confound (/confuse/juggle/mix up)black and white; obliterate the difference between good and bad
❍ 今年的所谓 “文人相轻”,不但是~的口号,掩护着文坛的昏暗,也在给有一些人“挂羊头卖狗肉”的。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—153) This year the saying“Scholars scorn each othat'’ is not onlv a slogan to confuse 6lack and white and conceal the darkhess of the world of ketters,but enables certain individuals to “hang out a sheep's head wh朗n what they are selling is dog'3 tiesh. ”/倘把这些都作为曹丕所说的“文人相轻”是~,真理虽然大哭,倒增加了文坛的黑暗。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ一138) If we embrace all these in Cao Pei’s comment we are mixing u p black and w hite,and though “Truth weeps'’ this increases the chaos in the world of letters.
❍ 他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非,~的程度。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》 36) At times thev go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn t hings upside down.

混淆黑白hùn xiáo hēi bái

混淆:使界限模糊。故意把黑的说成白的,把白的说成黑的。比喻故意制造混乱,颠倒是非。mix up black and white, call black white, juggle with facts, turn sth. upside down





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