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单词 devil
释义 devil1 /'devl; dev|/ n 1 the spirit of evil; wicked spirit; cruel or mischievous person. 恶魔; 魔鬼; 残暴的人; 恶人。 between the ~ and the deep (blue) sea, in a dilemma. 进退两难; 进退维谷。 give the ~ his due, be just, even to one who does not deserve much or who is unfriendly. 即使对于恶人亦宜待以公平; 一视同仁。 90 to the ~! go away! 走开!浪开! play the ~ with, harm, ruin. 伤害; 毁坏。 the D~, the supreme spirit of evil, Satan. 魔王; 撒旦。 ~ 's advocate, sb who points out the faults of sb or sth so that there can be a full discussion. 指出某人或某事物之缺点而引起辩论的人; 唱反调的人。 2 (usu 通常作 poor ~) wretched or unfortunate person. 可怜或不幸的人。 printer's ~, (old use) errand-boy in a printing-office. (旧用法) 印刷所的童仆或学徒。 3 (colloq) used to give emphasis: (俗) (用以加强语气): what/who/why/ where the ~ …?到底什么 (谁, 为何, 何处) … ? He has the ~ of a time, ie according to context, a difficult, exciting, amusing, etc time. 义视上下文而定) 他处于极端 (困难,兴奋,欢娱等) 之境。 He 心 s working/running like the ~, very hard. 他拚命工作 (跑) 。 There -will be the ~ to pay, trouble to be faced (as the result of sth done or said). (由于做某事或说某话) 后果不堪设想。 ― may- care adj reckless. 不要命的; 不顾一切的。




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