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单词 深更半夜

深更半夜shēn gèng bàn yè

at a late hour; at(/in the) dead of night; at midnight; far into the night; in the depth of night; in the middle of the night;late at night; in the small (/wee) hours
❍ 你干啥啊! ~的…… (知侠《铁道游击队》529) What are you doing here at such a late hour?/小梅问他: “你到哪儿去了?~才回来!”(袁静《新儿女英雄传》60)“What do you mean by coming at dead of night,”demanded Mei.“Where have you been? ”/那天夜里,你~,起去追牛,记得你还有点不熨贴。(周立波《山乡巨变》269)A few days ago when you got up at midnight to go after the bull,I remember you didn’t look too well.
❍ 常常讨论到~,他诺大年纪的人,却从未流露过一丝半点倦意。(王汶石《风雪之夜》 122) Every so often,the discussions would proceed far into the night,yet old as she was,she never showed signs of the least weariness.
❍ 那些是干什么的? 为什么~乱出溜? (冯志《敌后武工队》451) Who are they? Why are they slipping out in the middle of the night?/嘿呀! 我儿!你打哪儿来?~的!(梁斌《红旗谱》215) Why! Jiangtao!Where have you come from so late at night?


in the depth (or dead) of night;far into the night

深更半夜shēn ɡēnɡ bàn yè

形容夜已很深。in the depth of night, far into the night





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