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单词 reject
reject vt/rɪ′dʒekt/ [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n /′ri:dʒekt/

vt (1)拒绝(接受)(refuse to accept)[T+nC+n+as]:~sb/sb's help/sb's proposal/sb's application/a gift/a suggestion/an opinion/a possibility 拒绝(接受)某人/某人的帮助/某人的建议/某人的申请/礼物/建议/意见/一种可能性;~what one said/the religious belief/the political system/the idea of a mixed economy 拒不接受某人所说的话/那种宗教信仰/那种政治体制/多体制混合经济的观点;~sb's offer of marriage 拒绝某人的求婚;be~ed for the army 被拒绝参军;This machine (phone box)~s foreign coins/badly worn coins. 这台机器(投币电话)不能用外国/很旧的硬币。The patient's body~ed the heart transplant/the new heart. 这病人的身体排斥心脏移植/新的心脏。~these recruits as unfit 因不合格拒绝接受这几名新兵;〖同〗turn down,dismiss;〖反〗accept;

(2)抛弃(throw away as useless or worthless)[T+n]:~bad apples/overripe fruit/imperfect articles 把坏苹果/熟过头的水果/有缺陷的产品扔掉;

(3)不爱(not give affection or love to)[T+n]:children~ed by their natural parents 没得到生身父母爱的孩子们;Johnny feels that his parents~ed him as a child. 乔尼觉得小时候父母不疼爱他。

n 被扔弃的东西或人,废品(sth rejected as not perfectnot satisfiedworthless or useless)[C]:These convicts are society's~s. 这些罪犯是社会的渣滓。The pipe is cheap because it's a~. 因为是次品,所以这根管子很便宜。〖反〗treasure;

→ re′jection n 拒绝;






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