释义 |
深不可测shēn bù kě cèabysmal; abyssal; too deep to fathom; cannot plumb the depths of;bottomless; incomprehensible; fathomless; plumb less;unfathomable; soundless ❍ 我一向只以为她满肚子是麻烦的礼节罢了,却不料她还有这样伟大的神力。从此对于她就有了特别的敬意,似乎实在~; …… (鲁迅《朝花夕拾·阿长与“山海经”》) I had thought of her as nothing but a repository of troublesome conventions,never guessing she had this tremendous spiritual power. After this I felt a special respect for her,for surely she was too deep for me to fathom!/她骑着许大马棒的那匹马,虽然走的快,可是在这条空旷四百里黄花松的密林里,却施展不开它的本领,急行了两天,对这个大林还是~。(曲波《林海雪原》206) His mount was the animal the detachment had captured from Horse Cudgel Xu.Although the horse was a fast-moving steed,it couldn’t really step out in the dense groves of pine. The forest was enormous. Zirong had been travelling for two days now,but he still hadn’t plumbed its depths. ❍ 我独自一人,坐在这海岸上的渔船里面,我正对着那轮皓皓的月华,深不可测的青空! 深不可测的天海呀!(郭沫若《女神·岸上(其二)》151)I remain a solitary figure,|I sit in the fishing boat on the shore,|Gazing upon the white radiance of the moon,|The unfathomable depths of the blue abyss above,|The unfathomable depths of the sea of the sky. 深不可测unfathomable;of immeasurable depth or profundity;extremely abstruse 深不可测shēn bù kě cè深得难以测量。比喻非常深。have no bottom, uncanny, abysmal, deep and unfathomable |