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❶ (从上到下或从外到里的距离大) deep: 雪 ~ 过膝 knee-deep snow; 一口 ~ 井 a deep well; 进 ~ 15米的大厅 a hall fifteen metres deep; 林 ~ 苔滑。 The forest is thick and the moss is slippery. 这个池塘 ~ 约5米。 The pond is about five metres deep.
❷ (深奥) difficult; profound: 由浅入 ~ from the easy to the difficult; 那篇文章的含义很 ~。 The article implies profound meaning. 这本书给孩子看太 ~ 了。 The book is too difficult for children.
❸ (深刻; 深入) thoroughgoing; penetrating; profound: 功夫 ~ have put in a great deal of effort; 问题想得 ~ think deeply about a question; 印象很 ~ have a deep impression of; 影响很 ~ exert a profound influence; 这个问题我没同他 ~ 谈。 I didn't go deeply into the matter with him.
❹ (感情厚; 关系密切) close; intimate: 交情 ~ be on intimate terms; 两人的关系很 ~。 The two of them are very intimate friends.
❺ (颜色浓) dark; deep: ~ 红 deep red; crimson; ~ 蓝 dark blue; 颜色太 ~。 The colour is too dark [deep].
❻ (距离开始的时间很久) late: ~ 秋 late autumn; 夜 ~ 了。 It was late at night. Ⅱ ❶ (深度) depth: 景 ~ {摄} depth of field; 湖中心水 ~ 为300英尺。 The lake has a depth in the middle of 300 feet. 雪下3尺 ~。 Snow fell to a depth of three chi.
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 仲谷 Shen Zhonggu Ⅲ (很; 十分) very; greatly; deeply: ~ 感不安 feel rather disturbed; ~ 恐 be very much afraid; ~ 受感动 be deeply moved; be greatly touched; sank deep into one's heart; ~ 知 know very well; be fully [keenly] aware
◆深奥 depth; abstruse; profound; recondite; 深表同情 sympathize with someone from the bottom of one's heart; show deep [profound] sympathy for; 深表遗憾 express deep regret at; 深播 deep seeding; 深不可测 have no bottom; too deep to be fathomable; fathomless; plumbless; abysmal; 深部 deep; bathy-; 深舱 {船} deep tank; 深藏若虚 hide one's candle [light] under a bushel; be modest about one's talent [learning]; be modest and not show one's talents [abilities]; not be given to boasting or showing off; not to show one's talent [capabilities]; refrain from showing one's ability; sheathe one's talent; show restraint; 深层 deep (layer); deep (stratum); 深长 profound; 深沉 dark; deep; heavy; dull; concealing one's real feelings; 深成 {地质} plutonic; abyssal; subnate; 深仇大恨 bear a deep grudge against sb.; a deep-seated hatred; bitter and deep-seated hatred; deep hatred; great enmity and deep hostility; have a bitter and deep-seated hatred for; profound hatred; with immense hatred; 深处 deep; depths; recesses; profundity; 深弹 depth charge; 深得人心 win the hearts of all; be [stand] high in sb.'s favour; enjoy immense popular support; won the love of all the people; 深度 degree of depth; depth; profundity; depth; 深翻 ploughing under to great depth; 深孚众望 enjoy great popularity; enjoy high prestige; 深耕 {农} deep ploughing; deep culture; 深更半夜 at dead of night; deep in the night; in the dead [depth] of night; in the middle of the night; the midnight hours; till the wee hours; 深沟高垒 dig deep ditches and build high forts; deep trenches and high ramparts — strong defence; fortify one's position; 深海 abysmal sea; abyssal sea; deep sea; 深海底 abyssal floor; deep-sea bottom; deep-sea floor; 深黑色 aterrimus; 深红色 peony; pomegranate; crimson; deepred; 深厚 deep; profound; solid; deep-seated; 深呼吸 deep breathing; 深化 deepen; 深化改革 deepen reform; deepening of reform; 深井 bore; 深究 go into (a matter) seriously; get to the bottom of (a matter); 深居简出 live in the seclusion of one's own home; dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out; have little contact with the world; live [lead] a secluded life; live in seclusion and seldom come out; live out of the world; live with few social contacts; 深刻 depth; deep; profound; deepgoing; 深空 {天} deep space; 深蓝 deongaree; cyan-, cyano-; 深绿色 bottle green; dark green; 深埋心底 be buried deep in one's heart; 深明大义 understand the important principle thoroughly; be deeply conscious of the righteousness of a cause; inspired by the highest feelings; know clearly the right thing to do and the principles to follow; know where one's loyalty belongs; understand the principles of right and wrong; 深谋远虑 know what one is about; be circumspect and farsighted; be farsighted and prudent; think deeply and plan carefully; thoughtful and farseeing; with an eye to the future; with great vision and farsightedness; 深潜 deep diving; 深浅 depth; proper limits (for speech or action); sense of propriety; shade; 深切 heartfelt; deep; profound; 深情 deep feeling; deep love; 深情厚谊 profound sentiments of friendship; deep friendship; one's deep feeling(s); 深染恶习 be sunk in the depths of vice; be accustomed to bad habits; be steeped in vice; intensely imbued with evil practices; 深入 go deep into; penetrate into; thorough; deepgoing; 深入浅出 explain profound theories in simple language; explain the profound in simple terms; (One's words) were simple but profound.; (deal with a subject) with profundity and an easy-to-understand approach; 深入人心 win support among the people; be deeply rooted among the people [in the hearts of the people]; find one's way ever deeper into the hearts of the people; go [penetrate] deep [deeply] into the hearts of the people [into the people's mind]; have permeated people's thinking; have struck deep roots in the hearts of the people; strike a deeper chord in the hearts of the people; strike root in the hearts of the people; take firm root among the masses; 深入生活 go into the thick of life; plunge into the thick of life; 深色 deep colour; fusco-; 深山 remote mountains; 深山老林 deep mountains and forests; remote, thickly forested mountains; (in) the deep mountain forests; 深深 profoundly; deeply; keenly; 深水 deepwater; 深水炸弹 {军} depth charge; depth bomb; ash can; can; hydrobomb; torpedo; [美俗] ashbin; 深思 think deeply about; ponder deeply over; 深思熟虑 turn sth. over in one's mind; careful consideration; chew the cud; consult with one's pillow; deliberation; give careful consideration to; ponder deeply (over); think over carefully; 深受顾客喜爱 win warm praise from customers; 深邃 deep; profound; abstruse; recondite; 深谈细论 discuss ... in detail; 深挖 heavy cut; high-cut; dig deep; 深文周纳 use every means to have an innocent person pronounced guilty; carefully framed-up [formulated] argument [accusation]; convict sb. by deliberately misinterpreting the law; frame up and punish severely; 深恶痛绝 cherish an undying [a bitter; deep-seated] hatred for; abhor; detest; detest and keep away from; detest [hate] bitterly; feel a repugnance to; hate bitterly; hate like poison; have a deep-seated hatred; have [harbour] intense [morbid; deep] hatred for; not to give sb. the time of day; would not touch sb. [sth.] with a pair of tongs [with a ten-foot pole]; 深信 be deeply convinced; firmly believe; 深信不疑 believe firmly; be convinced of; believe without a shadow of doubt; have every confidence in; have no doubts as to the correctness of; pin one's faith on; place [put] one's faith in; thoroughly convinced of; 深醒[省] come to a deep realization of; 深夜 late at night; in the small hours of the morning; 深意 profound meaning; 深有同感 fully agree to; have fully the same feeling [impression]; 深渊 chasm; abyss; 深远 profound and lasting; far-reaching; 深造 take up advanced studies; take a more advanced course of study or training; pursue advanced studies; 深宅大院 a compound of connecting courtyards, each surrounded by dwelling quarters; a mansion with many courtyards and very high walls; a mansion with spacious halls and extensive gardens; imposing dwellings and spacious courtyards; (living tucked away) inside the big mansion; 深湛 profound and thorough; 深重 very grave; extremely serious

deeply; greatly
~表同情show deep (or profound) sympathy/~得民(人)心enjoy immense popular support;enjoy the full support of the people;be widely acclaimed/~受感动be deeply moved





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