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单词 涸辙之鲋

涸辙之鲋hé zhé zhī fù

a fish out of water; a fish trapped in a dry rut—a person in a desperate situation; hard up like a fish in a dry pond
❍ 但人不能饿着静候理想世界的到来,至少也得留一点残喘,正如~,急谋升斗之水一样,就要这较为切近的经济权,一面再想到别的法。(鲁迅《娜拉走后怎样》) However,people with empty stomachs cannot wait quietly for the arrival of a golden age; they must at least husband their last breath just as a fish in a dry rut flounders about to find a little water. So we need this relatively attainable economic power before we can devise other measures.

涸辙之鲋he zhe zhi fu

fish stranded in a dry rut—in a desperate situation

涸辙之鲋hé zhé zhī fù

涸辙:干车沟;鲋:小鱼。干车沟里的小鱼。比喻人的处境非常困难。a person in a desperate situation, a fish stranded in a dry out





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