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单词 涅而不缁

涅而不缁niè ér bù zī

be soaked in a dark liquid without becoming (/being made) black—a person of good character will not he influenced by bad environment
❍ 不曰坚乎,磨而不磷,不日自乎,~。(《论语·阳华》) But is it not said,that,if a thing be really hard,.it may be ground without being made thin? Is it not said,that,if a thing be really white,it may be steeped in a dark fluid without being made black?

涅而不缁nie er bu zi

not become black even when dyed with alunite

涅而不缁niè ér bù zī

涅:矿物名,可作黑色染料;缁:黑色。用涅染也染不黑。比喻品质好,不受坏环境的影响。be socked in a dark liquid without becoming black, emerge unstained from the filth





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