释义 |
浩浩荡荡hào hào dàng dàngwast and mighty ❍ 咨!四岳,汤汤洪水方割,荡荡怀山襄陵,浩浩滔天。(《尚书·尧典》) Oh! chief of the four mountains,destructive in their overflow are the waters of the inundation. In their vast extent they embrace the mountains and overtop the hills,threatening the heavens with their floods. ❍ 每乡都有上万的农民举起大小旗帜,杂以扁担锄头,~,出队示威。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅰ—19) Tens of thousands of peasants in every township,holding high their banners,big and small,along with their carrying-poles and hoes,demon strated in massive,streaming columns. 浩浩荡荡hào hào dànɡ dànɡ本指水势广阔浩大;现多形容规模很大,气势雄伟。vast and mighty, enormous and powerful, in formidable array |