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单词 bargain
bargain/′bɑ:ɡǝn, AmE ′bɑ:r-/ v & n

v (1)讨价还价,谈条件(discuss (with sb) prices terms of trade agreement or contract on terms that are favourable to oneself)[I I+prep(with)(about/over/for)]:always try to~总要设法讨价还价;~with sb over/about the price和某人讨价还价;~with the farmer for the vegetables/with the management for a shorter working week/with the employers for better conditions与农民议蔬菜的价/与资方谈判缩短每周工作时间的问题/与雇主谈判改善工作条件;The labour union is~ing for a better contract.工会在谈判争取达成更好的合同。

(2) 要求做到 (get an agreement that) [T+that T+that(should)]:They~ed that nobody should have to work on Saturday. 他们要求周六都不必工作。The trade union ~ed that all the workers should have another week's holiday.工会要求所有的工人应增加一周的假期。

bargain away (v adv) 牺牲掉(宝贵的东西以换取它物 )(vt):~away the freedom of the people/one's hard-won liberties出卖了人民的自由/牺牲掉很不容易才得到的自由;

bargain for/on sth (v prep) 预料,有准备(常为neg) (vt):(not) ~for all this trouble/for such a heavy rain/on sb's returning so soon/on so many people coming to the party (没)料到会有这许多麻烦/下这么大的雨/某人会这么快回来/会有这么多人来参加聚会;

→ ′bargaining n 讨价还价,谈判;

n (1) 协议,交易 (agreement made after some discussion between people (about buying selling or doing sth)) [C]:make/reach a~with one's wife/one's employer 与妻子/雇主达成一项协议;The two presidents have struck a~with each other. 两位总统间达成了一项协议。shake hands on a~达成协议时握手(祝贺);We made a~that I would do the work and you would supply the material.我们曾有过协议:我干活,你提供材料。A~'s a~. 达成协议就得遵守。drive a good~达成对己有利的交易;〖同〗agreement,contract;

(2) 廉(特)价商品 (thing bought or offered to sell for less than its real value) [C]:These carpets/shoes are a real~at such a low price. 这些地毯/鞋子价钱这么便宜,真是合算。It's/That's quite a~(for £1). (才花一英镑,)这非常便宜。She couldn't resist a~. 她无法抗拒便宜货的诱惑。pick up wonderful~s 买到很便宜的东西;buy sth at a~price 折价购买某物;a~hunter专找廉价商品的人;a~counter 折价商品柜台;a good/bad~对己有利/不利的交易(或:廉价买到的好商品/贪贱买来发现上当的商品);drive a hard~极力讨价还价;

(3)廉(折)价 (low or reduced price)[C]:get a bike at a~打折买到一辆自行车;

into the bargain 另外, 而且:She is beautiful, and talented into the~. 她漂亮,而且有天赋。






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