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(构词成分):~ ~ [- -] [书] (即滚滚) roll;billow;surge
另见 see also hún。


❶ (浑浊) muddy;turbid: ~ 水 muddy water
❷ (糊涂;不明事理) foolish;stupid: 你这人好 ~ 啊! How stupid you are!
❸ (天然的) simple and natural;unsophisticated
❹ (全;满) whole;all over Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 简 Hun Jian
◆浑[混]蛋 blackguard;bastard;son of a bitch;chat good for nothing;wretch;skunk;
浑[混]沌 chaos;confusions;mess;
浑厚 simple and honest;sincere;simple and vigorous;
浑浑噩噩 muddle along without any aim;completely naive;ignorance of the ancient people in the primeval times;ignorant;innocent;listlessly;live in a state of ignorance;muddle-headed;simple-minded;
浑家 the whole family;wife;
浑金璞玉 unrefined gold and unpolished jade — an unadorned beauty;jade and gold in natural state;unchiselled [uncut;uncarved] jade and unsmelted gold;a diamond in the rough [a rough diamond];one who has not been spoiled;a beautiful untutored talent;completely natural;pure-minded;simple-minded;
浑括 include;
浑名 agnomen;nickname;
浑朴 simple and honest;
浑然 completely;without leaving a trace;integral and indivisible;
浑然不觉 not feel at all;be not aware at all;
浑然天成 like nature itself — highest quality (of art);
浑然无成 accomplish [achieve] nothing;without accomplishing anything;
浑然一体 All blend into one harmonious whole.;an integral whole;a unified entity;one integrated mass;
浑然一新 everything made new;
浑人 an unreasonable fellow;
浑身 from head to foot;all over;
浑身臭汗 reek with sweat;
浑身打颤 trembled all over;shiver from head to foot;
浑身哆嗦 shivered convulsively;
浑身发抖 tremble from head to foot;be all of a tremble;tremble in every inch of one's body;trembling all over;trembling in every limb;
浑身发冷 A chill came creeping over one.;
浑身发痒 itch all over;
浑身缟素 dressed in the white robes of mourning;
浑身冷汗 be bathed in a cold and clammy perspiration;A cold sweat broke forth on one's whole body.;
浑身流汗 One's whole body was dripping with sweat.;
浑身青紫 be beaten black and blue;
浑身肉颤 feel one's skin creeping;
浑身伤痕 All one's body was covered with bruises.;
浑身湿透 have not a dry thread [stitch] on;as wet as a drowned rat;be wet through and through;be soaked [soused] to the skin;get a thorough souse [sousing];浑身是胆 full of courage;filled with courage and strength;The whole body is one mess of courage;be the very embodiment of valour;be every inch a hero;thoroughly bold [daring];浑身是汗 be in a sweat all over;be covered with sweat;be steeped in sweat;
浑身是劲 alive in every fiber;
浑身是泥 be all of a muck;be in a muck;
浑身是伤 be covered with wounds;
浑身是雪 be covered from head to foot with snow;
浑身是血 covered all over with blood;
浑身素裹 be dressed all in white;
浑身酸软 One felt all fagged out.;
浑身酸痛 The whole body aches.;
浑身疼痛 have pains all over;
浑身解数 use all one's skill (to do...);employ all one's skill to ...;exert oneself to the utmost to ...;try every means of solution;
浑水 muddy water;
浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled [muddied] waters;acquire profit in time of trouble;grope for fish in turbid;profit by disturbances;profit in a confused environment;taking advantage of an accident to steal sth.;
浑似 as if;as through;very much alike;just like;almost like;
浑俗和光 be in harmony with the rest of the world;refrain from showing one's ability and do not vie with others;hold oneself aloof from the world;stand aloof from worldly success;be able but modest;useless;incompetent;
浑天说 {天} theory of sphere-heavens;
浑天仪 {天} armillary sphere;celestial globe;
浑象 {天} celestial globe;
浑仪 armillary sphere;
浑圆 perfectly round;
浑(混)浊 muddy;turbid;opacitas





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