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❶ (从上到下或从外到里的距离小) shallow: ~ 底盘 shallow dish; ~ 水 shallow [shoal] water; ~ 种 shallow sowing
❷ (浅显) simple; easy: 这篇课文很 ~。 This lesson is very easy.
❸ (浅薄) superficial: 浮 ~ shallow; superficial; 肤 ~ 的谈话 shallow talk; 对问题的认识很 ~ just have a superficial understanding of the problem
❹ (感情不深厚) not intimate; not close: 交情很 ~ not on familiar terms
❺ (颜色淡) (of colour) light: ~ 黄pale yellow; ~蓝 light blue; ~ 绿 thin green; 用深 ~ 不一的各种红色 in all tints of red
❻ (时间短) not long in time: 相处的日子还 ~ have not been together long
另见 see also jiān。
◆浅薄 shallow; superficial; meagre; limited; thin; 浅尝 taste; flirt with; 浅尝辄止 put away the cup after taking a tiny sip; stop after getting a little knowledge of a subject [about sth.]; be satisfied with a smattering of knowledge on a subject; just to have a tiny sip of; not going into a subject in depth; do not study further or deeper; stop after scratching the surface; 浅成岩 {地} hypabyssal rock; 浅而易见 easily understood; simple and easily understood; 浅耕 shallow ploughing; light tillage; surface tillage; 浅海 {地} shallow sea; epeiric sea; epicontinental sea; 浅见 superficial view; humble opinion; 浅礁 shoal reef; shoal rock; 浅近 simple; plain; easy to understand; 浅蓝色 wathet; wathet blue; baby blue; 浅陋 shallow; meagre; mean; 浅色 undertint; tint; light colour; 浅水 {水文} shoal water; shallow water; 浅说 elementary introduction; 浅滩 shoal; shoal patch; ford; scalp; vadum; drift; shallows; flat; 浅显 plain; easy to read and understand; 浅鲜 [书] [美] meager; [英] meagre; slight; 浅笑 smile; 浅学 superficial; 浅易 simple and easy; 浅斟低唱 sip wine slowly and hum a tune; drink slowly and listen to songs drawled by others; 浅斟细嚼 sip one's drink and chew the food slowly; 浅子 shallow container


shallow; superficial





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