释义 |
洪福齐天鸿福齐天hóng fú qí tiānsupremely fortunate;have great luck ❍ 从这一点看起来,生长在可为中国模范的名城里的杨荫榆女士和陈西滢先生,真是~。(鲁迅《论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》) From this point of view,Miss Yang Yinyu and Professor Chen Xiying are really supremely fortunate to come from China’s “model district.”/奴婢已叫都人刘清芬去英华殿称旨赏赐。陈顺娟叩头谢恩,祝颂娘娘陛下~,万寿无疆。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—745)I told another maid,Liu Qingfen,to convey this news and the reward to her,for which the maid kowtowed her gratitude and wished Your Majesty everlasting fortune and a long life. 洪福齐天hónɡ fú qí tiān洪:大;齐天:与天同高。形容人的福气很大。have great luck, supremely fortunate |