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单词 洞若观火

洞若观火dòng ruò guān huǒ

as clear as day (/daylight/crystal/noonday); as plain as a pikestaff(/the nose in your face); crystal clear; see sth as clearly as a blazing fire
❍ 以过去和现在的铁铸一般的事实来测将来,~! 《鲁迅《南腔北调集·“守常全集”题记》93) Judging by incontrovertible facts,both past and present,the case is as clear as daylight!/但这是“~”的,否则,就不给。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》134) But it was as clear as daylight. Otherwise you would get no pay.
❍ 她的受尽迫害的阶级,使得她能够正视现实,使得她能够~地了解阶级的意义。(杨沫《青春之歌》308)The fact that Aunt Li came from a bitterly oppressed class enabled her to face reality squarely,and to understand the meaning of classes very clearly.

洞若观火dònɡ ruò ɡuān huǒ

看事物如同看到火一样清楚。see sth. as clearly as blazing fire, crystal clear, as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff





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更新时间:2025/3/14 20:30:17