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单词 洋洋得意

洋洋得意扬扬得意yáng yáng dé yì

as proud as Punch (/a peacock); become wild with joy;be greatly elated; be immensely proud; beside oneself with glee; be very pleased with oneself; cock-a-hoop;crow over; gleeful(ly); in high spirits; jaunty;jubilant; look triumphant (/smug); perk (oneself)up; pat oneself on the back; tread on (/upon) air;swell with pride; with unusually triumphant exul tation
❍ 他又叫把轿子抬近衣庄门口,亲自督看。衣庄里的人,扬扬得意。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》293) The Governor had his sedan-chair moved closer to the store and supervised the operation personally. On his part the storekeeper was naturally greatly elated.
❍ 他扬扬得意,觉得自己刚才努力介绍福佑药房的情况立即收了显著的效果,计划中的目的已经闪现出希望。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—480) He was very pleased with himself and supposed that the great effort he had just put into telling Ma Muhan about the Fu You Pharmacy was producing an immediate and striking effect: here was a first gleam of hope that he would be able to achieve the aim set out in his plan.
❍ 一席话说得夏作人~。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》441) The more they talked,the prouder Xia got.
❍ 冯大狗听了,扬扬得意,……(梁斌《红旗谱》99) On hearing this Big Dog looked smug.
❍ 孙达得粗生粗气地抢着说:“你们别光说我们关东山有怪,要知道我们关东山还有宝呢?”接着他~,说开了关东山的三件宝: …… (曲波《林海雪原》523) “Never mind harping on the odd things in our Guandong Mountains,”Long legs Dade put in touchily. “Would you like to hear about our treasures? ”Proudly he recited a Guandong folk rhyme:…/当林宛芝扬扬得意举起手来招呼新到的客人时,朱瑞芳看见她右手无名指上那一颗耀眼的大钻石戒指。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—467) As Lin Wanzhi raised her hand with self-satisfied getures to greet some newly-arrived guests,Zhu Ruifang saw the blazing flash of the large diamond ring on the ring finger of Lin Wanzhi’s right hand.
❍ 他们这样历乱地经过,时时把嘴张得像鳜鱼的一样,高声呼喊,得意洋洋的脸上,都流露着凶悍之气,颇像一群半狂人的行列。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》380) They looked like a procession of nearlunatics from the disorderly way they went past,continually opening their mouths till they looked like mandarin-fish,shouting at the tops of their voices,every face ablaze with violence and elation.
❍ 行动科长~起来。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》112)The Chief of Operations swelled with pride.


proud joy





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