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单词 洋为中用

洋为中用yáng wéi zhōng yòng

adapt foreign things to China; make foreign things serve China (/our own purpose)
❍ 是古为今用,~,推陈出新,还是崇洋复古,或者搞民族虚无主义? (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—333) Were we to follow the principle of making the past serve the present,adapting foreign things to China,and weeding through the old to bring forth the new,or were we to make a fetish of foreign things,revive the outmoded and travel the path of national nihilism?/外国的东西也要研究,拒绝研究是错误的,但一定要批判地去研究,做到~。Foreign works should be studied too,and refusing to study them would be wrong; but we must do so critically,making the foreign serve China.
❍ 由于总理的正确指导,使设计师和广大群众的智慧得到了充分的发挥,使整个设计按照古为今用,~,推陈出新的方针顺利进行。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—334) Thanks to the Premier’s correct guidance,the wisdom of both the architects and the rank and file was fully exploited,and the whole work of designing progressed in the spirit of letting the past serve the present,making foreign things serve our own purpose and weeding through the old to bring forth the new.

洋为中用yang wei zhong yong

make foreign things serve China

洋为中用yang wei zhong yong

make foreign things serve China

洋为中用yánɡ wéi zhōnɡ yònɡ

把外国有益的东西引进过来,为中国服务。make foreign things serve China, adapt foreign things to Chinese needs





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