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单词 define
释义 define /di'fain; di'fain/ vt [VP6A] 1 state precisely the meaning of (eg words). 精确地解葡 (字等) 的意义; 下定义。 2 state or show clearly: 叙述明白; 详细说明; 示明: Please listen while / - your duties. 请听我详细说明你的职务。 The powers of a judge are ~d by law. 法官的权力法律有明文规定。 When boundaries between countries are not clearly ~d, there is usually trouble. 国与国间的国界未明白划定时,通常会发生纠纷。 The mountain was clearly ~d against the eastern sky. 那山在东方天际的衬托下显得轮廓分明。 definable /-abl; -sbl/ adj that can be ~d. M 释明其意义的; 可下定义的; 可. 详剑说明的。




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