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单词 泰然自若

泰然自若tài rán zì ruò

be cool and collected;be self-possessed; behave with perfect (/great)composure; keep one’s head (/countenance); have no nerves; calm; undisturbed; have presence (/repose) of mind
❍ 许云峰炯炯的目光,~地扫视了一下笑脸相向的满座“陪客”,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》189) Xu Yunfeng calmly eyed his smirking“guests”,…/他的话!好象一副镇静剂,立刻赶走了人们的不安,个个又都~,旁若无人地挺起胸脯,大步杈子地走起来。(冯志《敌后武工队》350) His words dispelled their anxiety and they all acted more naturally,thrusting out their chests and marching forward in large strides.
❍ 我们总理~,他坚定地说: “没关系! 我相信你们!” (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅱ—291) But our Premier,quite unruffled,said:“It’s all right,I have trust in you.”/徐鹏飞~的光,扫视了一下严醉,…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》180) Xu Pengfei’s self-possessed gaze rested briefly on Yan Zui.
❍ 沈振新用对敌人轻蔑的口吻,~地说道。(吴强《红日》511) Shen Zhenxin replied un concernedly,in a tone of voice that expressed his contempt for the enemy.


behave with perfect composure;be self-possessed
他的~给我留下了深刻的印象。I am impressed by his poise.

泰然自若tài rán zì ruò

泰然:安静、不以为意的样子。不以为意,与平常一样。形容处事自然,遇事不惊。be self-possessed, with great composure, take things calmly, not turn a hair, keep one’s countenance, as cool as a cucumber, behave with perfect composure





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