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(眼泪) tear; teardrop: 流 ~ weep; 掉 ~ drop tears; 她含着 ~ 微笑。 She smiled through her tears.
◆泪痕 tear stains; 泪花 tears in one's eye; 泪如泉涌 The tears run like a bubbling spring.; a stream of tears; One's tears gushed forth in floods.; Tears flowed plentifully.; Tears gush out like a spring.; 泪如雨下 shed floods [a flood] of tears; be in a flood of tears; burst into a flood of tears; One's eyes rained tears.; One's tears cascade.; One's tears fell like pearls and beans.; One's tears fell like rain.; One's tears flowed fast.; 泪水 tear; teardrop; 泪汪汪 tearful; with watery eyes; eyes brimming [swimming] with tears; 泪腺 {解} lacrimal gland; tear gland; glandula lacrimalis; 泪眼 tearful eyes; 泪眼迷濛 One's eyes are [become] dim with [by] tears.; One's eyes were blurred with tears.; eyes blurred by tears; 泪液 tear; 泪珠 teardrop

男儿有~不轻弹。Men do not shed tears easily./斑竹一支千滴~,红霞万朵百重衣。(毛泽东诗《答友人》) Once they speckled the bamboos with their profuse tears. Now they are robed in rose-red clouds. (Mao Zedong’s poem Reply to a Friend)/忽报人间曾伏虎,~飞顿作倾盆雨。(毛泽东词 《答李淑一》)Earth suddenly reports the tiger subdued,Tears of joy pour forth falling as mighty rain.(Mao Zedong’s poem the Immortals—Reply to Li Shuyi)/蜡炬成灰~始干The candle will always drip with tears until it turns into ashes./流~shed tears;lachrymation/挥~告别wipe away tears and part;part in tears







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