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单词 泥塑木雕

泥塑木雕木雕泥塑ní sù mù diāo

like an idol carved in wood or moulded in clay—as wooden as a dummy; a blockhead
❍ 可是一回到牢房,就闭着眼,一动不动地坐着,活象一尊~的怪物。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》474) But when he’s in the cell,he sits absolutely still,with his eyes shut,like some strange object made of clay or wood.
❍ 华子良一动不动,象个~的哑巴。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》538)Hua Ziliang stood as motionless as a statue.
❍ 那两位舅爷王德、王仁,坐着就像~的一般,总不置一个可否。(《儒林外史》85) As for Wang De and Wang Ren,they sat there like wooden figures,and would not express any opinion.

泥塑木雕ni su mu diao

like an idol carved in wood or moulded in clay—as dead as a door-nail

泥塑木雕木雕泥塑ní sù mù diāo

象泥土塑造和木头雕刻的偶像一样。比喻人举止呆板,神情呆滞。as wooden as a dummy, like an idol carved in wood or moulded in clay





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