泣qìⅠ ❶ (小声哭) weep; sob: 暗 ~ sob secretly; ~ 诉 accuse while weeping; accuse amid tears ❷ (使哭泣) cause to weep: 动天地而 ~ 鬼神 move the universe and cause the gods to weep-very moving Ⅱ (眼泪) tears: ~ 下如雨 shed tears like rain; weep copious tears; 饮 ~ 吞声 swallow one's tears; weep silent tears ◆泣不成声 choke with sobs; (She) could not speak for (her) sobbing.; One's voice was choked with weeping [tears].; sobbing too much to speak; sob too bitterly to speak; sob without restraint 泣sobbing
泣weeping;sobbing;tears;sob |