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单词 dedicate
释义 dedicate /'dedikeit; 'dedaAet/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ (to), 1 give up, devote (one's time, energy, etc, to a noble cause or purpose): 奉献; 贡献(时间,精力等以从事崇高的事业或目的): He ~d his life to the service of his country. 他献身为国服务。 2 devote with solemn ceremonies (to God, to a sacred use). 举行庄严的仪式以奉献(给神,作神圣的用途)。 3 (of an author) write (or print) a person's name at the beginning of a book (to show gratitude or. friendship to). (指作者)将某人的名字写或印在书的前端(以表示感谢或友谊)。 dedi-cation /.dedi'keijn; , 6c6s'ke/3n/ n [U] dedicating: 奉献; 贡献: the dedication of a church; 敎堂的奉献; [C] words used in dedicating a book. 将一本书题献某人所用的字句; 题献辞。




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